Richard Reis


"[Advice for writers] Assume that you have a million words inside you that are absolute rubbish, and you need to get them out before you get to the good ones." — Neil Gaiman

In chronological order. To call all of them "products" is charitable, but that is in the eye of the beholder.

Alive and profitable No longer with us TBD
Most Recommended Books2019Discover books recommended by the world's most influential people.
Isla Regalos2022Find the best gifts from across the web.
Mental Math Pro2023Learn mental math in a fun way.
AI Document Translator2024Translate documents for the cheapest price and highest quality.
AI Hypnosis2024Experience hypnosis tailored uniquely for you.
AI Subreddit Finder2024Find relevant subreddits instantly.
Fashion or Disaster2024Your personal AI stylist (inspired by Cher from Clueless' app).
AI Blog Memorizer2024If Anki and blogs had a baby.
AI Personalized Resume2024Tailor your resume to job descriptions.
Spark AI Dating2024Started as a "what if?", until some people logged 5hrs daily.
Cheaprr2025Hire (literal) AI freelancers.

PS: In the name of brevity, this list excludes free tools I created just for fun.